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Boycott & Divestment Campaigns

In 2005, Palestinian civil society issued a call to the world to apply boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until it upheld international law. Signed by over 170 Palestinian coalitions, unions, refugee groups, human rights and social justice groups, in the occupied territories, within Israel, and in exile, this call is truly representative of the support that the Palestinian people believe they must have to survive and achieve their rights. The US Campaign Assembly had already adopted an activist and shareholder campaign to stop Caterpillar from selling its bulldozers to Israel given the death and destruction they were wreaking in the occupied territories. Many member groups are working in solidarity with faith-based groups on divestment initiatives. And, at its 2007 national conference the Campaign Assembly voted to call on Motorola to divest from Israel�s military occupation or face a consumer boycott. You can read the full Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions here.

TIAA-CREF Divestment Campaign at JVP
US Campaign member organization Jewish Voice for Peace has launched an original campaign to push financial services giant TIAA-CREF to divest from occupation-profiting ventures including Caterpillar, Elbit, Motorola, Veolia and Northop Grumman, among others. At the US Campaign's 2010 annual conference, its members voted to endorse JVP's campaign. Visit JVP to help petition TIAA-CREF and get resources to become involved!
Hang Up on Motorola
In 2008, the US Campaign brought to the attention of Motorola its complicity in Israel's human rights violations and military occupation and call on the corporation to cease producing and selling equipment to the Israeli army to prevent its involvement in future abuses. The US Campaign launched and is coordinating a national consumer boycott of Motorola cell phones to raise awareness of its profiteering from human rights abuses and to tarnish its corporate image for doing so.
Caterpillar Campaign
The company which best exemplifies the interest of US corporations in the Occupation and the complete refusal to address human rights concerns in the region is Caterpillar. The most destructive weapon of the Occupation may not be an F-16 or helicopter gunship, but rather, an armor plated D-9 or D-11 bulldozer. These are the machines that have demolished thousands of homes, uprooted countless olive trees, and carved gaping holes in roads, making them impassable. Even when used in Israel�s colonial intrusions on the land through construction of illegal housing or bypass roads, CAT equipment is being used daily in the commission of war crimes and violations of human rights.
Stolen Beauty - Ahava Boycott
Ahava is an Israeli cosmetics company that extracts resources from and operates in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. Join our boycott pressuring Ahava to respect international law.
BDS on Campus
Resources, strategies, and networks to help campus BDS campaigns succeed.
Occupation Free Faith Communities Network
An Occupation Free Faith Community commits to take specific advocacy steps to bring about a just peace in Israel/Palestine. Occupation Free Congregations can be churches, mosques, synagogues, or temples. Or they can be particular committees, taskforces, or boards within these communities that focus on Israel/Palestine or on peace and social justice issues. They can be Bible study groups, clergy groups, or campus ministries. Or they can be regional groupings of faith communities, or interfaith organizations. Regardless of size, they are an integral part of the effort to change U.S. policy and bring about a just peace in Israel/Palestine.
Academic & Cultural Boycott
Academic and cultural boycotts are an important part of pressuring states in violation of International Law. Please use the resources from our member group the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel to learn more about getting involved in academic and cultural boycott campaigns.
Boycott & Divestment Resources
The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is supporting a nation-wide municipal and state Boycott & Divestment Project. This initiative was voted a top priority for national mobilization by activists on the Campaign listserv.
Help Save (the) Amazon
Take the boycott movement to the online retail industry and "save (the) amazon." Help us tell occupation-supporting companies exactly what we think of their products through Amazon product reviews.

Tell TIAA-CREF to Stop Censoring Investors and to Divest from the Occupation!
by Anna Baltzer, National Organizer
July 12th, 2011
TIAA-CREF Censors Shareholders... We Flash-Mob!
by Anna Baltzer
June 14th, 2011
Campus BDS Heating Up This Spring!
April 26th, 2011
This spring, the weather is not all that's heating up! April has brought a burst of U.S. campus boycott and divestment (BDS) initiatives following inspiring actions around the country on the BDS Day of Action, held on the annual Palestinian Land Day.
BDS Blossoms Across U.S. on Palestinian Land Day!
April 7th, 2011
Learn about the exciting BDS events that took place across the country on March 30, 2011, commemorating Palestinian Land Day, and get inspired to undertake BDS actions in your community.